
SDSN Greece
University of Crete is a member of SDSN Greece, the national network of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) which promotes practical problem solving for sustainable development.

RCE Crete
RCE Crete, officially acknowledged by the United Nations University in 2009, is a member of the Global RCE Network on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

EuNet-INNOCHRON: European Network for Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Neutropenias is a COST Action Of European Cooperation in Science and Technology with partners from 31 countries. The Director of the University’s Haemopoiesis Research Lab, Professor Eleni Papadaki, is the Action Chair and Scientific Representative of the Network.

European Network for Environmental Citizenship
European Network for Environmental Citizenship is a COST Action Of European Cooperation in Science and Technology with partners from 39 countries involving 88 universities and institutions. UoC is participating through the Environmental Education unit of the Department of Primary Education Sciences Teaching Lab (ΕΔΘΕ)
UNESCO Global Geoparks
The University’s Natural History Museum of Crete provides scientific support on conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the island’s Geoparks, as well as on environmentally sustainable tourist development. The Geoparks of Psiloritis and Sitia in Crete are part of the European Geoparks Network and are officially recognized as UNESCO Geoparks since November 2015.
The Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS) is a pan-European research infrastructure producing long-term atmospheric data. To date, 22 countries have shown their commitment at organizational or state level. The UoC participates in the National ACTRIS Consortium in Greece through the PANhellenic infrastructure for Atmospheric Composition and climatE chAnge (PANACEA), coordinated by the UoC Environmental and Chemical Processes Laboratory (ECPL).
Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer (iPAAC)
The Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer (iPAAC) Joint Action brings together 44 partners across Europe whose main objectives are to build upon deliverables of the Joint Action on Cancer Control (CanCon) and to implement innovative approaches to cancer control.
International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG)
The International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) is a clinically-led charitable organisation dedicated to research and education to improve prevention, diagnosis and care of respiratory diseases in global community and primary care settings. Associate Professor of the University’s Social Medicine Department, Ioanna Tsiligianni, heads the Greek chapter of the IPCRG.
Scholars at Risk Network (SAR)
Scholars at Risk is a global network of higher education institutions dedicated to promoting academic freedom and protecting the rights of scholars across the world. UoC is a SAR member and one of the seven Greek HEIs that currently constitute the SAR Greece Section. The network is committed to raising awareness of threats to academic freedom and developing professional opportunities for at risk researchers both in and outside academia.
National Flagship Initiatives

Hellenic Precision Medicine Network on Cancer
The University of Crete Medical School is a partner in the Hellenic Precision Medicine Network on Cancer. The network was founded on 17/05/2018 at the initiative of the Research and Innovation Department of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health. Its mission is to
- Connect the Network with the National Health System
- Provide high-quality healthcare to Greek citizens
- Enrich diagnosis knowledge and prediction outcome
- Improve the targeted therapeutic treatment of cancer patients.

Hellenic Network for Climate Change Mitigation (CLIMPACT)
The University’s Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory (ECPL) is a member of the Hellenic Network for Climate Change Mitigation (CLIMPACT), a flagship initiative launched in 2018 by the Research & Innovation Department of the Ministry of Education. The targets of CLIMPACT are
- integration, harmonization, and optimization of existing climate services and early warning systems for climate change-related natural disasters in Greece, including supportive observations from relevant national infrastructures;
- creating a scientific core of research excellence to generate new knowledge on climate change;
- establishment of an interdisciplinary consortium to act as an advisory body for the State and civil society on issues of climate change and its related effects.

Greek National Network of Precision Medicine in Cardiology
The University Hospital and Cardiology Division are part of the Greek National Network of Precision Medicine in Cardiology and the Prevention of Sudden Death in the Young. This flagship initiative, established in 2019, is a partnership of Greek public and university hospitals and research institutions. The network aims at the core of sudden death in the young using the latest developments in genetics, management, and treatment of inherited cardiovascular diseases.

Centre for the study and sustainable exploitation of Marine Biological Resources
The University’s Department of Biology is a partner in an integrative large-scale Greek Research Infrastructure (RI), the Centre for the study and sustainable exploitation of Marine Biological Resources (CMBR). The network is dedicated to the advancement of Blue Growth through the study and sustainable exploitation of marine biological resources in the Eastern Mediterranean.

University of Crete and CSR HELLAS, member of the European CSR Europe Network, signed a new collaboration agreement (in greek) that extents the current successful partnership. CSR HELLAS promotes the comprehensive integration of the principles of sustainability and responsible entrepreneurship into corporate strategy, governance and administration in Greece. The new partnership enhances research and education dedicated actions to promote the principles of sustainability to businesses in Crete and nationwide.

National Public Health Organization (NPHO)
University of Crete and the National Public Health Organization (NPHO) signed a Memorandum of Partnership to support the operation of the Regional Public Health Laboratories (RPHL). Adding Professors George Survinos’s Laboratory of Clinical Virology, to the Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis (CMMP) of Anna Psaroulaki’s, Associate Professor of Zoonoses, will ensure full protection and will have as main objective: epidemiological data, all forms of viruses and microbes, food and public health issues.
Organization Against Drugs (OKANA)
The University of Crete has signed a collaboration agreement with Governmental Organization against Drugs (OKANA). The MSc in Clinical Interventions in Addictions is a Joint Postgraduate Program between the Department of Psychology and the School of Medicine of the University of Crete in collaboration with the Organization Against Drugs (OKANA). The program provides postgraduate education and training by focusing on the most recent psychological, biological and ecological approaches in considering drug abuse and, and its effective prevention and treatment
The Smile of the Child
The University of Crete and the Laboratory of Advanced Learning Technologies in Lifelong and Distance Education (E.DI.B.E.A.) of the Department of Primary Education signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Association “The Smile of the Child”, a certified provider of first and third level social care services. The purpose of this cooperation is to strengthen the processes of promoting the standard of living of children, to reinforce the processes of raising awareness and informing children about issues concerning their movements, to use advanced learning technologies for the benefit of children, to develop technological tools and pedagogical approaches that either bring solutions (in the area of treatment) or “speak” in the language of children (in the area of prevention).
Regional Initiatives
Mediterranean Agrofood Competence Center (MACC)
Mediterranean Agrofood Competence Center (MACC) is a partnership of 10 public bodies and 30 private companies comprising an agro-food network that is unique not only regionally but also nationally. The proposal was coordinated by the University and public financing (EC and national) for the hub was approved in July 2021. The goal is the creation of agro-food products of high added value and competitiveness.
Regional Observatory for Social Inclusion: Crete
UoC supports the Regional Observatory for Social Inclusion: Crete through a partnership with the
Social Analysis and Applied Social Research Lab. Based on the logic of social impact, the UoC and the
observatory teams collaborate in the formulation of Crete’s Social Inclusion Strategy. The university
team provides annual reports on Income and Living Conditions of Households in Crete, monitors and
evaluates policies for vulnerable groups, maps areas of poverty, and involves deprived communities and
underrepresented groups in the improvements of local policies.

Market and Entrepreneurship Research Unit
The UoC, through its Market and Entrepreneurship Research Unit, collaborates with the Region of Crete on an innovative programme that includes the Regional Labor Market Monitoring Mechanism. The focus is on tackling unemployment in Crete, recording labour needs by economic sector, and the formulation of employment and vocational training policies.

Regional Action Plan for Gender Equality
The University of Crete, in partnership with the Hellenic Mediterranean University and the Region of Crete, participates in implementing the Regional Action Plan for Gender Equality (2018-22). Programme partners engage in education, information, and communication actions involving a range of target groups and areas of development, such as entrepreneurship, health, education, employment, and civil rights.
Innovation Business Observatory
The University of Crete is a member of the Innovation Business Observatory, Region of Crete. Τhis is a permanent structure of the Region of Crete, aiming to link businesses with research and academic institutions, as well as to map the innovation ecosystem of the Region of Crete.