Adoption of the new European sustainability standards in the EU and Greece, lead to new jobs.
What new skills and partnerships needed?Event of CSR HELLAS on 19 September
CSR HELLAS has organized on 19 September 2022 an event about education and new sustainability landscape at the premises of the American College of Greece. Distinguished academics and expert professionals, exchanged ideas based on their shared faith in the value of “Education 4 Sustainability”.
CSR HELLAS’ major initiatives of Student Contest “Nikos Analytis” and CSR-School was the focus of discussion as to how business and academic institutions could be connected.
The awards of “Nikos Analytis” student contest were announced during CRS HELLAS event while CSR-School is an Executive Education Program on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility. This is the fourth year of CSR school where University of Crete cooperates with ALBA Graduate Business School.
Student Contest on CSR, “Nikos Analytis”,is an initiative that brings together academia, students and business. Each year the topic of the contest regards one or more of the SDGs. For 2021, the 6th Cycle of Contest was focused on the 12th SDG and more specific to “”Responsible consumption and production: the role of education in the development and promotion of responsible behavior of consumers, employees and managers”.
The students who were awarded, have started an internship in 2022 at CSR HELLAS or at a member company.
The students of University of Crete that were awarded are:
Theofilidi Elpida
Undergraduate, 4th year, Department of Political Science
Tsitiridis Panagiotis
Undergraduate, 5th year, Department of Political Science
Tsouka Nefeli-Elke
Undergraduate, 4th year, Department of Political Science