The University of Crete, as a public higher education institution, is committed to socially responsible and sustainable planning and management of the resources entrusted to its care [human resources, environment and infrastructure]. This is consistent with the concept of ‘localizing SDGs’: embedding socio-cultural, environmental, and economic sustainability into UoC governance and policies.
First steps in this direction include
- Formation of an ad hoc committee on SDGs by the Rectors Council in 2023, tasked with mapping of SDG-related activity, highlighting the dominant areas of activity and the gaps, and identifying avenues for developing the University’s role in contributing to the SDGs.
- A pilot study on the procedures and methods for assessing the social impact of research undertaken by a team from the University’s Research Centre for the Humanities, the Social and Education Sciences (UCRC)
The first report of the Sustainable Development committee for 2021 is available here in Greek (pdf). A summary version outlining progress in 2021 and plans for 2022 was presented to the UoC Senate 479/17.02.2022. [summary]
Reports of the Sustainable Development Goals of the University of Crete:
The report of the Sustainable Development Goals for 2022 is available in Greek here: Report 2022.
The report of the Sustainable Development Goals for 2023 is available in Greek here: Report 2023.
A related development is the mapping of educational, research and community actions taken across the University on Human Rights. The review, available here in Greek (pdf), is based on the report sent to the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs on March 17, 2021, following the Ministry request to provide information for the annual report of the National Human Rights Commission (EEDA) for the year 2020.
The next steps include development of a dedicated platform for identifying, recording and tracking research, educational, organizational and collaborative/ communication activities that contribute to the SDGs and to the cross-cutting UNESCO goals of cultural heritage and diversity at regional, national and international level.
Human Resources

Responsible employer
The University provides facilities, services and health and wellbeing support for staff, as well as support and resources for developing innovative teaching skills and services for the successful development of research activity.

Academic and pastoral care of students is at the heart of university life. The University provides a range of facilities and support services and strives to provide a secure and open teaching-learning environment for our students.

Research Ethics Committee
The University is committed to the principles of ethical and professional integrity as embodied in the University Code of Ethics and Good Practice (pdf) and through the Research Ethics Committee.

Gender Equality Committee
The remit of the University’s Gender Equality Committee is developing and overseeing the policies and strategies to ensure gender equality and diversity in all processes and aspects of university life.

The University endorsed the EC Charter and Code for Researchers in 2009 and endeavours to create a secure and stimulating environment for young researchers in particular.
Ad hoc Committee on SDGs
The Committee’s task is to record and promote the actions of the University of Crete that relate to the institution’s contribution to sustainable development and to make proposals for the further development and more effective contribution of the institution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Environment & Infrastructure

University’s Green Campus Action Plan
The University’s action plan on the implementation of Green Policy at the UoC addresses the issues of developing better sustainability policies for energy and water management, for mobility, and for the built and natural environment, and for monitoring through the introduction of an Environmental Management System.

Student housing
The University has embarked on an ambitious project to build new student dormitories for 3,000 students on brownfield sites on the Gallos and Voutes campuses. This programme will finally realize a long-standing aim for sufficiency in free/affordable student housing. Current plans are for all energy needs of the new residences to be supplied by renewables.

Green Team
The Green Team is a vibrant student organization with strong community links. The Green Team focuses on sustainable design and identifying environmental /ecological challenges on campus and in the community.

University Library
The modern, purpose built University Library is a pioneer among Greek academic libraries in the development and exploitation of ICT and documentation networking services. UoC Library cooperates with municipal public libraries and has created a network of 31 experimental school libraries in Crete.

Cultural heritage
The University plays an important role regionally as custodian of cultural heritage: through archaeological excavations, the Library’s rare books collection, the University Museums, and many other activities.

Botanical Gardens
The University Botanical Garden, located on the Gallos Campus, provides a unique space for education and recreation for students, staff, and the local community. Together with joint actions for the management of the Municipal Garden of Rethymno, these spaces promote the botanical, ecological and cultural issues related to the world of plants.